Saturday, August 23, 2008


So I really have no idea what I'm doing with this thing, so you all are going to have to bare with me until I can figure this thing out. I hope to update you at least once a week on what is going on in my life, but something may come up and it may be a week or two. You just never know.

But to fill you in on where I am in life.... I am finishing up school with just 3 semesters left, and then i will be a licenced teacher (pk-3) and let me be the first to tell you I am SUPER excited!! This semester I will be doing some student teaching, as far as I know it will be three days a week, in a second grade class in the Mansfield School District ( I think Woodland Elem.), also very excited about that. Um let's see what else, oh yes I got a new haircut which I love. I even put highlights in it, I'm still single, playin the field a bit longer. My sister graduates tomorrow from whoot whoot to you girl!!! Love Ya!! What else is there....I guess not to much else, oh this may come as a shock I got sick at Cedar Point about a pissed little girl! I got to go on ONE ride, I got in line for the second one and as we are getting ready to go into the last row...bam i feel like I ran into a brick wall. I was pale (as Matt says, and I later saw), my head was spinning so freaking fast, and I was looking for a place to puke. I tell Matt I'm going to be sick, so we get out of line and I head straight to the bathroom only to find a freaking line!!! But I did make it, no vomiting on the floor. So we got some water, a pretzel so I could try to get something down and then we came home!! I was not a happy camper, but what can ya do when you can't stand without getting sick. Anyway enough of that....I am peacing out so I can get some sleep so I can yell and scream for my sister tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment: said...

My friend, Joslyn, cited your site, Mallory.

I am a retired Engineer and currently an author who admires all who want to teach our young Americans or whoever anywhere in this world.

I pray that God will pour his richest blessings upon you and your career.

I aplaud your vitality!