Sunday, August 24, 2008

Picutres from Whitney's Graduation

Brutus was on parade down on campus today and this was by far my favorite one!

Me acting as Brutus! I must say I do a pretty good job....
The family after Whitney Graduated Today!!!

The graduation today was rather long...but I guess you'll have that with 1300ish people graduating. It was fun though, we took a bunch of pictures before and a bunch after which turned out to be hilarious to go back and look at them. But here is a fact sitting through your younger sisters graduation before you have one of your own.....kinda makes me a little jealous, not going to lie. But hey I'm having fun in the process, and making many friends....and one day yes one day (December of 2009) I'll be graduating too!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


So I really have no idea what I'm doing with this thing, so you all are going to have to bare with me until I can figure this thing out. I hope to update you at least once a week on what is going on in my life, but something may come up and it may be a week or two. You just never know.

But to fill you in on where I am in life.... I am finishing up school with just 3 semesters left, and then i will be a licenced teacher (pk-3) and let me be the first to tell you I am SUPER excited!! This semester I will be doing some student teaching, as far as I know it will be three days a week, in a second grade class in the Mansfield School District ( I think Woodland Elem.), also very excited about that. Um let's see what else, oh yes I got a new haircut which I love. I even put highlights in it, I'm still single, playin the field a bit longer. My sister graduates tomorrow from whoot whoot to you girl!!! Love Ya!! What else is there....I guess not to much else, oh this may come as a shock I got sick at Cedar Point about a pissed little girl! I got to go on ONE ride, I got in line for the second one and as we are getting ready to go into the last row...bam i feel like I ran into a brick wall. I was pale (as Matt says, and I later saw), my head was spinning so freaking fast, and I was looking for a place to puke. I tell Matt I'm going to be sick, so we get out of line and I head straight to the bathroom only to find a freaking line!!! But I did make it, no vomiting on the floor. So we got some water, a pretzel so I could try to get something down and then we came home!! I was not a happy camper, but what can ya do when you can't stand without getting sick. Anyway enough of that....I am peacing out so I can get some sleep so I can yell and scream for my sister tomorrow!!!!!